Technics Music Server ST-G30LE :3499,99 € en ST-G30EG :3999,99 €

Hi-Fi music server engineered to deliver high-quality sound and a premium user experience for network audio.
Bit-Perfect Ripping
During CD ripping, if there are uncorrectable errors due to marks or scratches on the CD, ST-G30 determines the size of the error, performs a read retry in an attempt to read the correct data. If the retry still results in an error, the ST-G30 notifies the listener with an alert.

LEGAL NOTICE: Recording and playback of content on this (or any other) device may require permission from the copyright owner. Panasonic has no authority to and does not grant you that permission and explicitly disclaims any right, ability or intention to obtain such permission on your behalf. It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of this or any other device complies with applicable copyright law in your country.